Cook freshly & tastefully upon order by: Mommy’s Yummy Delight (Ades Ibrahim)
Ingredients: 1 mackerel pike barbeque fish, steamed white rice with yellow curry sauce,1 spicy hard-boiled egg, fried spicy potatoes, steamed kale, green chili (sambal hijau).
Order taking / meal purchase period: September 27 – September 30, 2016
Pick-up day, place & time:
Sunday / October 2, 2016 at Super 88 Supermarket,1095 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA 02215, 2pm-3pm.
Contact #: (781) 626-0807.
“Indonesian Home Cooked Meals to Order” program aims at bringing home cooked meals away from home to the Indonesian community, introducing & familiarizing Indonesian food to the general public, as well as empowering & promoting talented Indonesian home-based chefs in New England.
This program is also part of ICONE’s fundraising initiatives to establish New England’s Indonesian Community Center and to conduct ongoing Indonesian community & cultural programs across New England.
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