What’s the most difficult part about learning Indonesian? Rolling my R’s! 🙂
Archives: SP Testimonials
My dad is from Indonesia and I want to be able to communicate with my relatives. I like all the speaking and listening practices offered in this course.
I enjoyed the course, but more speaking activities would be great!
I want to learn Bahasa Indonesia because I tend to forget without continuous practice. I enjoyed the teaching methods of Guru Tia. She employed a variety of tools to make learning interesting and fun.
I wouldn’t mind having more sessions or arranging so that we can continue from the beginner class directly to the advanced class. I really like this course!
My husband is working in Jakarta and I will be going back and forth. I want to be able to communicate! I really like this course because I love Tia’s instruction, learning new vocabulary, and trying to speak.
I learned the language so that I can speak with my Indonesian wife and with the people when I travel to Indonesia. What I like the most about the course is that the instructor is very knowledgeable and helpful.
We did a lot of creative games and activities throughout the course. Everyone was very participatory. I also like that the instructor thought us in spoken Indonesian from the very first day.
Taste of Surabaya
Selama ini kita selalu having fun di acaranya ICONE. Senang bgt bisa ikut bazaar di ICONE…terutama yg outdoor. Kalau yg indoor mungkin mesti dibikin sampai jam 4 PM deh karena kayaknya terlalu pendek waktunya, tapi itu cuman saran aja ya. Semoga sukses selalu!
Susi Sihombing
Capenya belom habis benar setelah persiapan masak2 seorang diri untuk ikut memeriahkan bazaar ICONE. Tapi terbayar juga karena senang liat banyaknya orang yang dating and makanan habis ludes terjual. Tidak mau missed deh kalo ICONE bikin event bazaar lagi karena pasti ramai crowd- nya and keren acaranya. Thanks a lot buat temen2 yg sudah mampir dan beli makananku, PLUS Olla dan team ICONE. Till we meet in another event! Sukses for ICONE!