1. The registration fee is $85.00 per vendor. Reservations and check or Paypal payment must be received by Saturday, November 21, 2015.
2. Upon completion of registration form below, please send your check payment, payable to:
Indonesian Community of New England, Inc.
attn.: Yana Regan
30 Chapman St., Unit #303, E. Weymouth, MA 02189
You can also make payment through PayPal at
3. ICONE, Inc. will provide one 8’x4’ table and two chairs per vendor. We are open for food, fashions/accessories, handicraft/arts, and holiday souvenirs vendors.
4. ICONE, Inc. will promote the event extensively through variety of communication efforts, including event info blasts on ICONE's Facebook wall & page that can also be shared with vendors’ friends lists; promotion in ICONE's website; event flyers to be strategically placed at popular Asian grocery stores in Boston greater area, New Hampshire, Maine & Vermont; PERMIAS; and other Indonesian community groups.
5. Each vendor is responsible for his/her own display area, including all necessary table covering, skirting, signage, and other material/information describing the vendor and the merchandise. Specific table location requests cannot be guaranteed.
6. For safety measure, there will be no on-site cooking allowed inside the bazaar arena for the food vendors. Only food warming appliances/activities are permitted.
7. Food vendors need to register their food and beverage menus. Drinking water bottles will be sold on site by ICONE, Inc.
8. Vendor will take care of his/her own sales receipts. No commission fee is charged. However, due to the fundraising nature of the event, ICONE, Inc. would appreciate any amount of donation both from vendors and bazaar attendants. Donations can be given at the venue to ICONE's treasurer (Yana Regan) or secretary general (Mieke Moran).
9. All vendors assume their own liability insurance for damage, theft or injury on premises.
For more info, please email us at or contact Ida Daud (646) 469-1122 / Elvina M. (617) 480-9517 / Susi Sihombing (207) 216-7956.