Bahasa Indonesia - Class Syllabus
Course description
This course is designed to improve student’s competence in communication skills including speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia). Throughout the 12 weeks students will develop their skills on how to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes interaction with native speakers possible without strain for either party. Since it is an intermediate level, our class interaction will concentrate less on vocabulary acquisition and more with the complex grammatical structures necessary for true conversational fluency. Grammatically speaking, this level deals extensively with complicated Indonesian prefixes and suffixes. Furthermore, this course will help student to understand the main ideas of complex Bahasa Indonesia text dealing with both concrete and abstract topics.
Students in this class are assumed to have taken an introductory level of Bahasa Indonesia or have equivalent Bahasa Indonesia training.
Exercise and materials covered in this semester include:
(i) Grammar:
- Complex sentences
- Prefixes and suffixes
- Comparatives and superlatives
- Noun forms with various affixations
- Verb forms with various affixations
- More conjunctions
(ii) Pronunciation and Intonation:
- Key words and expressions
(iii) Critical Reading:
- Short stories
- Editorial columns
Class Activities
A short presentation, listening to audio recordings, watching film/videos and short readings.
Class schedule
The class meets once a week, 55 minutes/session, April 2 - June 25, 2016.
Every Saturday, 2.45pm - 3.45pm.
Course instruction: 98% in Bahasa Indonesia, 2 % in English
Course schedule:
Week 1
Part I: Introduction - Sejarah Indonesia (
Part II: Prefix me- and prefix di-, membuat kalimat aktif and kalimat pasif
Reading: Kepulauan Nusantara (Keren! 3 pp. 4-5)
Week 2
Part I: Berkunjung ke Nusantara (visiting the archipelago)
- Mari mengenal nama-nama pulau, provinsi dan suku di Indonesia
- Prefix ber-
- Keren! 3&4 pp. 6-12
Part II: Mencari penginapan dan membaca peta
- Noun with ke-an affixation
- Keren! 3&4 pp. 18-21
Week 3
Part I: Ke restoran dan memesan makanan (at a restaurant, ordering food and beverages)
- Suffix kah- untuk ekspresi meminta dengan sopan, menggunakan kata seperti “bolehkah”,
“bisakah”, “sudahkah”
Part II:
- Reading : Wisata Kuliner Indonesia (see
- Latihan: Keren 3&4 pp. 25-30
Week 4
Part I: Keluarga Indonesia (family)
- Menjelaskan urutan anggota keluarga dan panggilan dalam keluarga
- Panggilan formal dan informal
- Keren 3&4, pp. 32-40
Part II: Menceritakan dan Menulis tentang keluarga sendiri
Week 5
Part I: Pesta dan upacara
- Hari Besar Agama & Hari Besar Nasional
- Prefix ter-
- Superlative
Part II:
- Latihan: Keren 3&4 pp. 42-50
- Reading: 6 Agama di Indonesia dan Hari Raya-nya. (see knowledge/6-agama-di-indonesia-dan-hari-rayanya/)
Week 6
Ujian tengah semester (mid-test)
Week 7
Part I: Mengenal kesenian di Indonesia (Indonesian arts and culture)
- Musik dan lagu
- Me-i & me-kan affixation I
- The Indonesian Way Lesson 32-34
Part II: Mari bernyanyi!
- Ayo mengenal penyanyi Indonesia!
- Lagu dangdut dan lagu daerah
- The Indonesian Way Lesson 35-36
Week 8
Part 1: Membaca berita (reading news)
- Apa yang sedang terjadi?
- Berita politik, berita budaya, berita seni
- Koran dan media sosial: apa yang ditulis orang di Indonesia?
Part II: me-i dan me-kan affixation
- Ada kejadian apa hari ini?
- Oh! Ada asap dimana-mana
- Reading:”Kehancuran, Kesedihan dan Harapan.
Week 9
Part I: Ke bioskop dan menonton film (at the cinema)
- Membeli tiket
- Mengundang teman menonton
Part II: Film: Denias, Senandung Anak Pulau
- Diskusi Film
- Kata Ulang
- The Indonesian Way 37-38
Week 10
Part I: Debat dalam Bahasa Indonesia (debating in Indonesian)
- Menyatakan Pendapat — “Menurut saya”, “Hemat saya”
- Menyanggah
- The Indonesian Way 42
Part II: Comparative & Superlatives II
- Lebih, -Ter
- The Indonesian Way 43
Week 11
Ujian akhir (final test)
Week 12
Pentas seni (students showcase) and graduation
Course Policies and Expectations
Class participation
Active participation in class and, therefore, regular attendance is required. The instructor should be notified a day (24 hours) in advance in case you have to be absent.
Evaluation and Grades
Varied types of evaluation are included in the class to keep both you and your instructor aware of your progress. During the semester you will write short in-class compositions, and take midterm and end of semester exams. Your level of oral expression will be appraised during an oral interview/presentation twice during the semester. An appreciation of your writing skills will be based on two full-length compositions.
Class participation including attendance: 40%
Homework and Assignments: 30%
Final Exam (written and oral): 30%
Textbook (print edition):
Keren! : Indonesian Course Book 3 & 4 (strongly recommended)
Keren!: Indonesian Activity Book 3 & 4 (mandatory)
The Indonesian Way 2 & 3: by George Quinn and Uli Kozok
Online edition:
Print edition:
Additional materials:
Learning Indonesian on the Internet (Center for Southeast Asian Studies Northern Illinois University): and
Indonesian Literatures:
Kurniawan, Eka, Cantik itu Luka, AKY Press 2004
Damono, Sapardi Djoko, Hujan Bulan Juni, Pustaka Gramedia 2001
Toer, Pramoedya Ananta, Bumi Manusia, Lentera 2001
Grammar Book (recommended):
Sneddon, James Neil, Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge, 2010 (available in Harvard library and on Amazon)
Echols, John & Shadily, Hasan. 1996. Indonesian English
Sederet on line dictionary:
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