Bahasa Indonesia - Class Syllabus
(Youth & Adults, age 15 & up)
Course description
This course is designed for students who have little or no knowledge of the Indonesian language. It will provide students with the grammar structures and vocabulary that they need to communicate in Indonesian. Students will also learn various aspects of Indonesian culture through videos, pictures, articles, and class discussions.
Class activities
Classes will be delivered in two different ways:
- 10 to 15 minutes of pre-recorded learning videos delivered 5 days before each session (with the exception of the first session). Students will learn targeted vocabulary and grammar. Students are expected to view the videos prior to each session.
- 90 minutes of live lessons every Saturday where the instructor will review the materials from the pre-recorded lessons. Students will be engaged in whole class, pairs, and individual activities to practice their language skills using means such as interactive online quizzes and breakout rooms on Zoom. Students will also have an opportunity to discuss various cultural aspects of Indonesia such as the school system, occupations only found in Indonesia, unique wedding traditions, and endangered species found in Indonesia.
Class schedule
Every Saturday; 10 sessions; September 5 – November 7, 2020; 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM.
All lessons will be delivered via Zoom. The link will be sent by the instructor one day before each session.
Course instruction
50% in Bahasa Indonesia, 50 % in English.
Satyawidya Wulansari (Tia) / / 412-304-6977
Course Policies and Expectations
Class participation
Active participation in the class expected from all students; thus, regular attendance is required. The instructor should be notified a day (24 hours) in advance in case a student is absent. She may be contacted via email or text message.
Evaluation and Grades
Varied types of evaluation are included in the class to keep both students and instructor aware of students' progress. During the semester, students will take a midterm test and do an end of course oral presentation.
Learning Materials
All of the materials will be provided by the instructor. The materials are taken from various grammar books such as Sahabatku Indonesia Tingkat A1, Keren! Indonesian Activity Book 1, Indonesian Grammar in Context.
Course Schedule
The order of the schedule below is subject to change depending on the progress of the class.
Each session will consist of two parts: the learning videos to be viewed prior to the sessions and the live learning session. In the learning videos and during the live sessions, the instructor will teach the grammar and vocabulary, provide examples, and give exercises for students to practice the concept.