Latest Past Events
Layanan Konsuler & Perpisahan KonJen RI-New York
Boston City Blessing 24 Denby Rd, Suite #130, BostonUntuk ulasan dan dokumentasi foto atas acara ini, silahkan klik di link: Bagi warga negara Indonesia (WNI) yang berdomisili di kawasan New England, khususnya di Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, jika Anda membutuhkan layanan kekonsuleran seperti: pembaruan/penggantian paspor legalisasi dokumen lapor diri konsultasi konsuler silahkan datang ke acara pertemuan masyarakat Indonesia di … Continue reading "Layanan Konsuler & Perpisahan KonJen RI-New York"
Indonesian Movie Screening: Rudy Habibie
Shillman Hall Room 215, Northeastern University 115 Forsyth St., BostonFor event photo and story: Come and join us for a Saturday of good movie, friends, food and fun. In collaboration with PERMIAS MA, we are excited to bring you one of the all-time-favorite Indonesian movies ever, Rudi Habibie, to Boston. Based on the book "Rudy: The Young Life of the Visioner" by Gina … Continue reading "Indonesian Movie Screening: Rudy Habibie"
Sharing Session with Dr. Handry Satriago
Room 3-133, MIT Campus 77 Massachusetts Avenue, CambridgeFor story and event photos, please click here. Join us for a sharing session with Dr. Handry Satriago, a CEO of General Electric Indonesia and the author of #Sharing. In the sharing session organized by ICONE, Inc. and Association of Indonesian Students at MIT (MIT-AIS), he will talk about "Leadership & Global Talent Development in … Continue reading "Sharing Session with Dr. Handry Satriago"